Boeing 737 NG [36886 / 3777]

Registration: N814VL
Operator: Avelo Airlines
HEX Code: AB1A1E
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26E x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABKYBoeing737-86J(WL)2011Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABKYAir Berlin737-86J(WL)2011last svc 20.04.12 DUS-MUC
D-ABKYTUIfly737-86J(WL)2013frd MUC-Ostrava 30.11.13, repaint AR cs
LV-FQBAerolineas Argentinas737-86J(WL)2013MUC--EZE 20-21.12.13. Lsd from GECAS until 10.2017, ORIX Aviation from 10.2017. WFU 08.10.2023, std OPF 14.01.2024
N886FALessor737-86J(WL)2024Fortress Transportation (FTAI)
N814VLLessor737-86J(WL)2024Fortress Transportation (FTAI). Std MCN 02.07.2024, std OPF 20.07.2024.
N814VLAvelo Airlines737-86J(WL)2024Lsd from FTAI, frd OPF-MIA 27.08.2024 on del.
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