Boeing 737 NG [37560 / 2664]

Registration: T7-RDC
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code: 5002CB
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B27 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1784BBoeing737-9JAER(WL)2008repo ff as N1786B, s03.07.08 as N1784B, sVCV 08.07.08 rrgd as N6046P (also repo ff as N376BJ), r14.07.08 Boeing Comp, frd BFI-Georgetown DE 02.08.08, frd to BFI 22.12.08 as N376BJ
N376BJCorporate737-9JAER(WL)2009frd 04.02.09 BFI-SBD for paint, frd SBD-Moses Lake 03.12.09, frd to Ardmore 02.03.10, frd to Basel 02-03.07.10
HZ-103SCorporate737-9JAER(WL)2010testfl BSL 04.09.12 after VIP config, s07.11.12, on dispplay at EBACE Geneva 21-23.05.13, for sale, still in primer, painted at CHR, frd CHR-RUH 26.04.14 ncs, sis GVA 26.07.14
VP-CKKCorporate737-9JAER(WL)2014rr, fis 19-20.08.14 RUW-SAW-RUH, sSTN 24.11.16 exec blue/white cs no titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-CKK CorporateEGSSJLRAviation
VP-CKK CorporateEINNcolinw