Boeing 737 NG [38012 / 3550]

Registration: 9H-TJC
Operator: Spicejet
HEX Code: 4D21C8
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-5563Boeing737-86N(WL)2011Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
B-5563Xiamen Airlines737-86N(WL)2011GECAS, wfs 04.11.18, frd XMN-Jinan 11.11.18 for maint and lse return
9H-TJCCorendon Airlines Europe737-86N(WL)2019own Avolon Aerospace, Derryveagh Avtn Ltd OE-rgd 02.19, frd Jinan--OSR 19-20.02.19 Corendon cs, s13.03.19 rrgd, OSR-AYT 20.03.19
9H-TJCSpicejet737-86N(WL)2023leased from Corendon Airlines Europe
9H-TJCCorendon Airlines Europe737-86N(WL)2023
9H-TJCSpicejet737-86N(WL)2023leased from Corendon Airlines Europe
9H-TJCCorendon Airlines Europe737-86N(WL)2024
9H-TJCSpicejet737-86N(WL)2024Lsd from Corendon Airlines Europe
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-TJC Corendon Airlines EuropeLGIRcolinw
9H-TJC Corendon Airlines EuropeEDDVWarthog1
9H-TJC Corendon Airlines EuropeGCTSFlyDroo