Boeing 737 NG [39440 / 4892]

Registration: C-FFPH
Operator: Smartwings
HEX Code: C00EC2
Engines: CFM56-7BE x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2014AWAS, s11.05.14 split scimitar winglets
C-FFPHBoeing737-81D(WL)2014Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
C-FFPHThomson Airways737-81D(WL)2015YYZ-DUB, summer lse
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2015BFS-YYZ, wfs 29.04.16
C-FFPHThomson Airways737-81D(WL)2016fis 02.05.16
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2016
C-FFPHThomson Airways737-81D(WL)2017
C-FFPHTUI Airways737-81D(WL)2017
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2017DUB-YYZ, wfs 29.04.18
C-FFPHTUI Airways737-81D(WL)2018
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2018wfs 27.04.19
C-FFPHTUI Airways737-81D(WL)2019
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2019
C-FFPHTUI Airlines Netherlands737-81D(WL)2022
C-FFPHSunwing Airlines737-81D(WL)2022
C-FFPHTUI Airways737-81D(WL)2023
C-FFPHSmartwings737-81D(WL)2024Lsd from Sunwing Airlines
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-FFPH SmartwingsLGIRcolinw
C-FFPH TUI AirwaysOTT/OFFcanadrise
C-FFPH TUI AirwaysOTT/OFFAyronautica
C-FFPH TUI AirwaysOTT/OFFcolinw
C-FFPH TUI AirwaysOTT/OFFAyronautica
C-FFPH TUI AirwaysOTT/OFFWarthog1
C-FFPH Thomson AirwaysOTT/OFFAyronautica
C-FFPH Thomson AirwaysLPFRFlyDroo
C-FFPH Thomson AirwaysOTT/OFFgrahamepage