Boeing 747 [19746 / 12]

Registration: N603FF
Operator: Tower Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N610BNBraniff Airways747-1301978ret GATX 23.10.81
N480GXVIASA747-1301982ret GATX 30.09.82
N480GXOverseas NA747-1301983
N480GXEgyptair747-1301983ret Nat AL 21.05.84
N780TTransamerica Airlines747-1301984ret GATX 8.11.85
N603FFTower Air747-1301985rr 5.12.85
N603FFZambia Airways747-1301988
N603FFTower Air747-1301988Saudia lsd 10.04.96, ret JFK 25.05.96 Saudia col,s7.97 fc Tower, s15.04.98 full Saudi nc col, lsd, sMia 26.08.98, sJFK 22.06.99 white, small Tower tit, sToronto 11.07.00, ceas ops 10.10.00, Trustee in Bankruptcy FF to FCC 8.03.01, to TrAM 8.03.01, AOG Sheetmetal 29.08.01, reported brup 10.01
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N603FF Tower AirEKCHWarthog1
N603FF Tower AirEGPKAyronautica
N780T Transamerica AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
N610BN Braniff AirwaysEDDFcolinw
N610BN Braniff AirwaysEKCHWarthog1
D-ABYA LufthansaEGLLcolinw
D-ABYA LufthansaEDDFWarthog1