Boeing 747 [19778 / 27]

Registration: N601US
Operator: Northwest Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N601USNorthwest Airlines747-1511970sis 7.03.99 Honol, s4.04.99 Victorville CA str, sis 17.09.99, 7.06.00 (trooping flt), s2.09.00, wfu 18.10.00 tt 95260, 23632 l, sMXE 29.10.00 fc, own CAC 15.02.01, canc 15.02.01 cockpit due to be pres. Smithonian Museum, due to be displayed in new exhibition in the fall of 2007, s during construction museum 05.07, unveiled in museum 17.11.07 fuselage completely broken up
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N601US Northwest AirlinesKBOSAyronautica
N601US Northwest AirlinesEGKKWarthog1
N601US Northwest AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
N601US Northwest AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
N601US Northwest AirlinesEGPKAyronautica