Boeing 747 [19825 / 137]

Registration: TF-ATF
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8106Boeing747-246B1971Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
JA8106Japan Airlines747-246B1971Super Resort purple fl col 7.10.94, rHIL 31.10.94, wfu 17.03.99, airtest 29.03.99 white, to UTFC 31.03.99
N556SWJumbo Jet Inc747-246B1999frd to Tucson,s5.03.99 Marana white,s8.99, canc 29.09.99, Jumbo Jet Inc 22.10.99, N-reg canc 2.12.99
TF-ATFAir Atlanta Icelandic747-246B1999sMarana 14.11.99 white, frd to Tokyo 18.12.99 for maint, is due 2.00, s17.05.00 opf Air France, s2.07.00 opf Air Liberte, sOrly 28.08.00 no tit, op Air Atlanta Icel, AirAsia lsd, sis 7.04.01, ret 9.04.01, opf RAM s18.05.01, to New Orleans 23.05.01, daily charters DFW-CUN summer 01, sATH 13.09.01, Manston 22.09.01 full Atlanta col, CDG 26.09.01 Atl fc, add Air Alg
TF-ATFAlbarka Airlines747-246B2003sJED Air Atlanta-bcs no tit for Hadj td
TF-ATFAir Atlanta Icelandic747-246B2003sABJ td, sMZJ str 13.10.03, s19.04.06, brup at unk date (info welcome) noted 01.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ATF Air Atlanta IcelandicEGCCGreggy
TF-ATF Air Atlanta IcelandicEGCCAyronautica