Boeing 747 [20354 / 142]

Registration: N609FF
Operator: Tower Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N659PABoeing747-1211971STR Wichita 7.71
N659PAPan Am747-1211973
N659PAIran Air747-1211974
N659PAPan Am747-1211975wfu 4.12.91,to Mellon FS
N659PATower Air747-1211992wfu sNorton AFB 13.11.92,sis 3.01.93,sJFK18.03.93 white,
N659PAGaruda Indonesia747-1211993sJFK 18.03.93 white
N609FFTower Air747-1211993wfu s2.07.93 Garuda tit painted out,s28.08.93 Tower tit, no engs JFK/r8.93 Tower/s26.11.93 being reactivated with engs,sJFK 24.08.94 Tower,add. 'Pushpak Ram Kat' tit/sSaudia 16.04.96,ret JFK 24.05.96 xSaudia col, sMojave 14.02.98, sMarana 3.99
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N609FF Tower AirEDDFAyronautica
N659PA Pan AmEGLLAyronautica
N659PA Pan AmEGLLcolinw
N659PA Pan AmKJFKWarthog1