Boeing 747 [20427 / 170]

Registration: F-GPJM
Operator: Corsair International
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PH-BUGBoeing747-206B1971Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PH-BUGKLM Royal Dutch Airlines747-206B1971delivered with KLM cs at left and Viasa cs at right side, presum ret to KLM fcs early 1974, str 23.09.90 Adam, Air Hong Kong NTU, maintenance,stand by
PH-BUGVirgin Atlantic Airways747-206B1991KLM colours rt 4.91
PH-BUGGaruda Indonesia747-206B1991
PH-BUGKLM Royal Dutch Airlines747-206B1991wfu Adam 10.91?,Mojave 9.12.91 sis 8.91 Gar titf.s.,AMS 19.01.95,22.01.95 to TLV for 534Y conf,canc 30.06.95
F-GPJMCorsair International747-206B1995frd -ORY 1.07.95 fc,is 1.7, Sarl Corsair Avtn r29.12.00, lsd till 30.09.01 to Corsair, sChateauroux 1.11.01 fc, s3.03.02 full col, parts and undercarriage missing, F-reg canc 25.04.02, fuselage still present (no doors, engines, wheels) s being brup 31.08.02
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PH-BUG KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMWarthog1
PH-BUG KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesVTBDWarthog1
PH-BUG KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesVTBDWarthog1
PH-BUG KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesKJFKFlyDroo