Boeing 747 [20520 / 190]

Registration: N33021
Operator: Continental Micronesia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-DEMBBoeing747-243B1972Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
N359ASKabo Air747-243B1982ret Carg 10.82,Boe 22.11.82
N359ASKabo Air747-243B1983ONA lsd, ret Boeing 8.11.83
N605PEPEOPLExpress (1981)747-243B1984
N605PEPEOPLExpress (1981)747-243B1984
N605PEContinental Airlines747-243B1987
N33021Continental Airlines747-243B1992rWEC 5.93 (still COA?)
N33021Continental Micronesia747-243B1995sTokyo/WEC to COA 13.08.98, sLAX 22.10.98, depa 15.11.98 no tit/logo's sMojave 28.11.98, s18.09.00 id, tfd to GECAS 22.06.01, CAPS 28.06.01, Silver Sail Ltd tfd 28.06.01, pwfu Mojave now due for parting out, moved to the Potter's World skrapyard 16-17.02.02, rumor by 28.02.02: to be used for film, breaking up began 15.03.02, scrapped for 50% 16.01.04
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N33021 Continental AirlinesEGLLScottyBoy76
N33021 Continental AirlinesEGKKScottyBoy76
N33021 Continental AirlinesEGKKWarthog1
N605PE Continental AirlinesKEWRWarthog1
I-DEMB AlitaliaKIADWarthog1