Boeing 747 [20713 / 219]

Registration: N482EV
Operator: Evergreen International Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT9D-7J x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Preserved
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9V-SIBBoeing747-212B1973Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
9V-SIBSingapore Airlines747-212B1973
N748TATigerair Inc747-212B1980
N748TAFlying Tigers747-212B1980
N748TALibyan Arab Airlines747-212B1980ret FT 13.10.80
N748TALibyan Arab Airlines747-212B1980ret FT 13.11.80
N748TAMetro International Airlines747-212B1981
N748FTMetro International Airlines747-212B1982own FlyTig,ret 2.83
N729PAPan Am747-212B1983own Evergreen 1.90
N482EVEvergreen International Airlines747-212B1991str Marana 2.92 no eng
N482EVLTU Sud747-212B1992ret Ev 18.07.92
N482EVSaudia747-212B1993sfc Karachi
N482EVEvergreen International Airlines747-212B1993xDubl in basic Saud col,sHong Kong 13.01.94
N482EVSaudia747-212B1994sFRA,s7.05.95 white,Saud tit,LHR
N482EVEvergreen International Airlines747-212B(F)1995frd Jeddah-Dub,s16.6 now Evergreen tit,ESP3.08.95,sHongKong 26.08.95 white,tit/s7.03.97 Saudia tit/ own FSB 7.05.97/ Evergreen is s15.02.99,s17.04.99 'Feed the Children Express', s9.05.00 Athens, as Freighter, own WFBN 21.04.01, s str Marana 5.02.02, sis FRA 05.03, own EIA 08.08.03, wfu&pkdPSM 12.12, arrRNC and towed to adjacent of the Evergreen Museum to be modified to a hotel 01.06.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N482EV Evergreen International AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
N482EV Evergreen International AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
N482EV Evergreen International AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
N482EV SaudiaEGLLScottyBoy76
N729PA Pan AmKJFKWarthog1
9V-SIB Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1