Boeing 747 [20826 / 242]

Registration: EC-KRP
Operator: Pronair Cargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N701SWSeaboard World747-245F1974
N811FTFlying Tigers747-245F1980
N640FEFedex - Federal Express747-245F1989FNBC r4.94 still FedEx
N640FESAS Scandinavian Airlines747-245F1996del SAS 29.03.96 JFK-GOT is full SAS col,sHK 1.04.96 fc,replaced/exchanged 3.04.96 by cn 23300, s5.04.96 white
N640FEAtlas Air747-245F1996exh. at Macau,opf Swissair s22.06.96 white,small tit,s6.08.96/stickers removed s22.10.96 white,pkd Mobile 7.09.97 white,FedEx wetlsd s26.10.97 Tuc,HK 17.11.97,sMarana 3.10.98 white, FNBC LC N-reg canc 1.12.00
G-INTLAirfreight Express747-245F2000sPHX 18.03.01, LHR 19.03.01 white, 'op for Cargolux' sticker by 4.01, sCDG 17.10.01, op ACMI flight for Air France, Airfreight Expr. tail logo appl LUX 2.11.01, still "op by Cargolux" stickers, str LHR 24.02.02, frd-->HHN 07.12.02, sAMS is 16.01.03, sSTN str 03.04.03, own AFX 24.12.03, own JMI 25.05.05, G-reg canc 18.10.05
N2061LJet Midwest Inc747-245F2005frd-->DXB 05.04.07, sCGK being painted 31.07.07
EC-KMRPronair Cargo747-245F2008sCGK td
EC-KRPPronair Cargo747-245F2008sVLC str fcs 12.04.10, s wfu 23.01.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-INTL Airfreight ExpressEGSSJLRAviation
G-INTL Airfreight ExpressEGLLgrahamepage
N640FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEHAMWarthog1
N640FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEGLLAyronautica
N640FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEGPKAyronautica
N640FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEGPKAyronautica
N640FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEGPKAyronautica
N811FT Flying TigersEGPKAyronautica
N811FT Flying TigersEGPKAyronautica
N811FT Flying TigersEGPKAyronautica
N811FT Flying TigersEGPKAyronautica
N811FT Flying TigersEGLLWarthog1
N701SW Seaboard WorldEGLLWarthog1