Boeing 747 [21351 / 323]

Registration: G-BDXF
Operator: European Aviation
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BDXFBoeing747-236B1978Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-BDXFBritish Airways747-236B1978wfu 1.09.01, LGW 4.09.01 for pre-sale maintenance, Cardiff 1.10.01 for str, frd LGW-Cardiff 1.11.01 later repo
G-BDXFEuropean Aviation747-236B2002rgd to ESL 23.05.02, frdXLW-->BOH in green cs 29.05.02, s San Antonio 26.02.03, sMAN on charter 12.04.03, sAMS ncs 22.06.03, frd-->FZO for str shortterm 27.02.04, s no eng 24.04.04, dep after str 09.07.04, sMXP opf Volare 29.08.04, sORY 12.02.05
G-BDXFCorsair International747-236B2005frd-->ORY European-tail Corsair fus-tit td
G-BDXFEuropean Aviation747-236B2005sEXE td, frd-->Kemble perm wfu 28.11.05, brup by 12.06, G-reg can as brup 09.01.07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGLLGreggy
G-BDXF British AirwaysKMIAGreggy
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXF British AirwaysOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-BDXF British AirwaysOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
G-BDXF British AirwaysEGLLcolinw