Boeing 747 [21439 / 312]

Registration: N624FF
Operator: CIT Leasing Co
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9V-SQGBoeing747-212B1977Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
9V-SQGSingapore Airlines747-212B1977
N723PAPan Am747-212B1985wfu 5.12.91 ret CIT sLas Vegas 30.06.92 PAA col/s white Tucson 27.09.92,JFK titl
N6186Tower Air747-212B1992rr8.92 own CIT/s4.93 all white, only on engs. logos, sOrly 2.03.98 basic Tower col no tit, frd to Kuwait 7.03.98, Tower r3.03.99
N624FFTower Air747-212B1999sis JFK, repo CIT 14.07.00, CIT LC 14.07.00, wfu, sMarana 21.07.00 basic Tower Air col, s San Antonio 17.02.01 white, N-reg canc 7.03.01
C5-OAAMahfooz Aviation747-212B2001SE-RBH Transjet reg res 29.12.00, app ntu, opf Nigeria AW to Jeddah 21.03.01, first repo for Air Djibouti, error/ntu? arr DUB 21.06.01 for maint
CN-RYMMahfooz Aviation747-212B2001sDUB 9.07.01 rrgd, s4.08.01 pkd white, due for Nigeria Airways svc to London, no permission to start 16.08.01, still pkd s4.09.01, s27.11.01
N624FFCIT Leasing Co747-212B2002str Dublin white, airtest 11.04.02, depa 13.04.02 to ROW, to TrAM and N-reg canc 10.06.02 to be brup
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CN-RYM Mahfooz AviationEIDWAyronautica
N723PA Pan AmOTT/OFFAyronautica
N723PA Pan AmEGLLAyronautica
N723PA Pan AmEGLLWarthog1
N747BK BoeingEGLLWarthog1
9V-SQG Singapore AirlinesEGLLcolinw
9V-SQG Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1