Boeing 747 [21575 / 358]

Registration: N747SF
Operator: Aerospace Trust Management
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-DFZBoeing747-283B1979Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
SE-DFZSAS Scandinavian Airlines747-283B1979
SE-DFZNigeria Airways747-283B1983ret 3.06.84
SE-DFZNigeria Airways747-283B1986ret 28.01.87 SPL N9727N NTU
SE-DFZNigeria Airways747-283B1987ret 1.04.88
SE-DFZLessor747-283B1988via MD Douglas
SE-DFZMalaysian Airline System747-283B1988ret 88 GPA
LX-OCVGaruda Indonesia747-283B1988Lsd to Lionair, ret 6.09.88 GPA
EI-BWFPhilippine Airlines747-283B1988ret 23.11.91 GPA
EI-BWFAerolineas Argentinas747-283B1991sCDG 12.04.92 white,ret
EI-BWFPhilippine Airlines747-283B1992ret GPA 9.95,airtest Dublin 28.06.96 white,s4.08.96
N9727NLessor747-206B(F)1996frd Dub-Marana,due.../GECC r8.96/sMar 3.01.97 white, F-cvtd 02.97
N921FTPolar Air Cargo747-206B(F)1997sLAX 16.11.97 fc rr, wlsd FedEd 5.12.98 full Polar col, is fc 12.99, was never lsd to Tradewinds AL ann 18.08.04, sis HKG fcs 30.10.04, dam when slid off runway after landing New York (JFK), USA 0(?) 22.01.05, sMZJ str 20.02.06, own FAS 07.04.06
SX-FINSky Express Greece747-206B(F)2006has also Finaval Aviation-tit td, sCDG str 10.02.08, own FAS-->SVI-->AIL 30.06.08
N747SFAerospace Trust Management747-206B(F)2008sCHR 23.07.08, s14.08.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N921FT Polar Air CargoEGPKAyronautica
N921FT Polar Air CargoEDDFGreggy
N921FT Polar Air CargoEGPKAyronautica
N921FT Polar Air CargoEGCCAV8 Photos
N921FT Polar Air CargoEGPKAyronautica
EI-BWF Philippine AirlinesEGKKAyronautica
EI-BWF Philippine AirlinesEGKKAyronautica
SE-DFZ Nigeria AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
SE-DFZ SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEKCHWarthog1