Boeing 747 [21649 / 373]

Registration: VQ-BMS
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code: 4248D9
Engines: PW JT9D-7A x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N540PAPan Am747-SP211979
N149UAUnited Airlines747-SP211986
N149UATajik Air747-SP211993arr LHR fc 1.12.93,repo 14.02.94 LHR?,Las Vegas 7.03.94,Hamburg 30.08.95 still Takik col,maint.N-reg canc 8.95
V8-JBBRoyal Brunei Government747-SP211995for is 12.95/ro HAM 5.01.96 white no reg,Waco 1.02.96-9.96 for VIP-outfit and 747-400 cockpit conv
V8-JP1Royal Brunei Government747-SP211996
V8-AC1Royal Brunei Government747-SP211996frd Waco-Sts-Sing 20-22.12.96,sLAX 24.01.97 no tit green/grey/arr HAM 5.10.97 for repaint
A9C-HHHCorporate747-SP211998arr HAM 23.12, repo A9C-ISA but s1.02.99 still paint V8-, A9C-ISA never worn (Isa, Sheikh has rec. died), to paintshop 26.03.99,ro 13.04.99, del 19.11.99 Bahrein after interior refit
A9C-HMHCorporate747-SP212002sHAM for maint 22.10.02, bis 19.11.02, sORY Bahrain Kingdom-cs 24.09.03
VQ-BMSCorporate747-SP212008frd-->LAX td, damaged beyond repair 27.08.20 Lake Charles LA 0(0) by hurricane in hangar during overhaul, wing of a 737BBJ sliced thru lower front fuselage, wing also damaged. W/o and b/u 06.2021 at CWF
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VQ-BMS CorporateKLASEGLL Spotter
VQ-BMS CorporateKLASJLRAviation
VQ-BMS CorporateKLASFlyDroo
VQ-BMS CorporateKLASGreggy
VQ-BMS CorporateKLAScolinw
A9C-HMH CorporateEGLLgrahamepage
A9C-HMH CorporateEGLLWarthog1
A9C-HHH CorporateEGLLgrahamepage
N149UA United AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
N540PA Pan AmEGLLWarthog1