Boeing 747 [21962 / 439]

Registration: P4-AFE
Operator: Air Finance Ltd
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N57202TWA - Trans World Airlines747-SP311980
N57202Boeing747-SP311981ret TWA 1.06.81
N57202Jet Aviation747-SP311984
N57202Jet Associates747-SP311985
N57202TWA - Trans World Airlines747-SP311986
N601AAAmerican Airlines747-SP311986rr 2.87, K/S Nordic (FSBU) 17.09.90, wfu 20.07.92 Kansas City TT32692,4759 L /to FSBU,Santa Barbara 22.02.93 for work by Lucas Aerospace,modfd TRAMCO,Everett-Shann 10.2,Almaty 18.02.94 fc
UN-001Kazakhstan Airlines747-SP311994Kazakhstan Gvmt own 10.02.94, arr Almaty 18.2,is 24.2/AFi 11.95, EI-SAI ntu, lsd back to Kaz. Gvmt, ret 4.96
P4-AFEAir Finance Ltd747-SP311996s white no tit LHR/s7.07.96 West Palm Beach/s7.96 opf Brunei (first ann),s21.01.97 Las Veg
TF-ABNPalm Beach Aerospace747-SP311997own AiF/sMIA 21.02.98 Star Air tit, tit removed, frd to West Palm beach 26.02.98, due ret 7.98, ret less 11.98
P4-AFEAir Finance Ltd747-SP311999sPhoenix during fuel-stop, Luxembourg hangar by 18.07.99, s14.09.99, s29.03.01 white, towed to Cargolux maintenance ramp 25.02.02 to be parted out, s22.03.02 being brup, 23.05.02 lowered to ground, 24.05.02 cockpit cut off, s18.06.02 now only small pieces left, but significant pieces remain: TFC in Velbert, Germany has most of the fuselage (without cockpit area) s08 as cabin simulator, while cockpit and upper deck remains at Cargolux s2010 to train emergency evacuation
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ABN Palm Beach AerospaceEGCCAyronautica
UN-001 Kazakhstan AirlinesEDDFWarthog1
N601AA American AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
N601AA American AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
N57202 BoeingKJFKWarthog1
N57202 BoeingEGPKAyronautica