Boeing 747 [21966 / 446]

Registration: N787RR
Operator: Rolls Royce
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VR-HIABoeing747-267B1980Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
VR-HIACathay Pacific Airways747-267B1980
B-HIACathay Pacific Airways747-267B1997frd HK--Victorville, CA 12.07.98, s15.08.98, tt 68096, 20259 l
TF-ATDAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B1999slsd Saudi Arabian 12.99, s30.04.00 opb Air Atlanta Icel Malta-Orly, sAMS 7.05.00 no tit, old tail col, sLUX 22.05.00 again with tit, s21.04.01 Orly no tit, opf RAM, C-check, arr Manch 21.05.01 based Atl tit/logo, Excel AW due 23.05.01, s Abu Dhabi 27.02.02 Air Asia titles, green tail, s Paris Orly 20.04.02 black Air Atl titl/logo, id SNN 26.04.02, sMAN 26.05.02, dam after tailstrike Teesside (MME), UK 16.10.02, rep 28.11.02
TF-ATDAirAsia747-267B2003sJED for Hadj td
TF-ATDAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B2003sAthens white-cs no tit td
TF-ATDAir Atlanta Europe747-267B2003sCDG with tit td
TF-ATDAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B2004sLUX white-cs no tit td
N787RRRolls Royce747-267B2005sWaco will be fitted out by L-3 Communications Integrated Systems as testbed for the RR Trent 1000 (B787) engines 06.05, tests start mid-07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N787RR Rolls RoyceKTUSgrahamepage
N787RR Rolls RoyceKTUSWarthog1
VR-HIA Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGKKAyronautica
VR-HIA Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGLLWarthog1