Boeing 747 [22063 / 432]

Registration: 9G-MKI
Operator: MK Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8144Boeing747-246F1980Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
JA8144Japan Airlines747-246F1980
JA8144Japan Airlines747-246F1992wfu 4.4,ro 17.4 SAT col
N741SJSouthern Air Transport747-246F1995r19,4,JA canc 20.4,frd 21.4 xTokyo,UTCr4.95,sis 5.05.95/own FCC 2.96, wfu (SAT ceased) by 8.98, sMarana 3.99, reg canc 11.08.99
9G-MKIMK Airlines747-246F199927.11.01 Port Harcourt 1(13), cr 700 m short of runway at 01.56 AM, front section broke away, repo AC out of fuel? AC operating for Panalpina, for oil industry, tt 80500, 17600 l, sPhoe, sLux 15.08.99, AMS s26.11.01 at 5 PM
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
JA8144 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8144 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8144 Japan AirlinesEGLLWarthog1