Boeing 747 [22149 / 466]

Registration: TF-ATC
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VR-HIBBoeing747-267B1980Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
VR-HIBCathay Pacific Airways747-267B1980
B-HIBCathay Pacific Airways747-267B1997HK 19.06.97 special h/o colours, probably wfu by 5.99 (Cathay no longer ops Classic 747-pax)
TF-ATCAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B1999slsd Saudi Arabian 12.99, sCPH 17.05.00 full Atlanta blue col (opf?), sLyon 1.10.00, Orly opf AOM, s12.01.01 AMS being repaint old Saudi col, LUX 19.01.01 maint, ret Air Atl, C-check Xiamen 14.04.01
TF-ATCIberia747-267B2001sMAD fc 4.08.01, due ret 10.11.01, sLUX 8.12.01 mainenance, white
TF-ATCAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B2002sRhodes white cs no tit 28.07.02, opf several operator
TF-ATCAirAsia747-267B2003sJED white-cs for Hadj td
TF-ATCAir Atlanta Europe747-267B2003sATH with taillogo td, sCDG opf Star AL (acmi) 08.12.03, due to go to Garuda for hadj flightts 01.04 till 03.04
TF-ATCGaruda Indonesia747-267B2004sJED for hadj td
TF-ATCAir Atlanta Icelandic747-267B2004arrMSE white-cs no tit td, frd-->Kemble perm wfu will be brup 20.04.04, s during being brup 11.07.04, reported brup 08.04
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ATC Air Atlanta IcelandicEGSSAyronautica
VR-HIB Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGKKAyronautica
VR-HIB Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGKKWarthog1
VR-HIB Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGKKAyronautica