Boeing 747 [22298 / 445]

Registration: YI-AOX
Operator: Iraqi Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-1880Boeing747-SP091980Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
B-1880China Airlines747-SP091980B-1861 NTU
B-1880Mandarin Airlines747-SP091992
B-18253China Airlines747-SP091999s7.03.99 HK, backup by 4.99, not yet rr, rr 15.07.99
P4-GFDAir Gulf Falcon747-SP091999purch date later repo 17.01.00, s20.01.00 SHJ basic Mandarin col, Gulf Falcon tail
3C-GFDAir Gulf Falcon747-SP092000frd to Jeddah 23.03.00 small TAS-Trans Air Svc sticker, for hadj
5Y-GFDAir Gulf Falcon747-SP092000sSHJ, last repo as such 5.10.00
3D-GFDIraqi Airways747-SP092000donated by Gulf Falcon at Baghdad Airport, 3C-GFD repo 27.10.00 id not conf, 3D-GFD s28.10.00 SHJ
YI-AOXIraqi Airways747-SP092003sJED with YI-reg td, dam during groundattacks 2nd Gulfwar at Baghdad Int'l (SDA), Iraq -(-) 04.04.03, s15.09.09
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