Boeing 747 [22302 / 473]

Registration: D6-QZA
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1301ECAAC - Civil Aviation Administration Company747-SP271982N1608B Braniff NTU
B-2454Air China747-SP271988rr1.89
N142SWUT Finance Corporation747-SP272000frd Victorvillee--Brisbane 18-19.03.00 basic Air China col no tit, N-reg canc 19.03.00
VH-OZXGlobal Air Leasing747-SP272000r22.03.00, Brisbane based, rr painted on 25.03.00 on left hand side, awaiting CAA approval, depa 5.07.00 ferry (to Indonesia?), sJakarta CGK 18.02.01
D6-OZXComores Airlines747-SP272001for Comores-Marseille flights, suspended already by late 2001, spkd CGK Comores Wings-fcs 14.06.02
D6-QZACorporate747-SP272004still at CGK td, swhite-cs thin black/brown cheatline 29.12.04, s still OZX-rgd 04.11.08, s being brup 16.06.09, dbf when cutter cutted through cables and caught fir 18.06.09
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
B-2454 Air ChinaEGKKWarthog1
N1301E CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration CompanyEGKKWarthog1