Boeing 747 [22477 / 494]

Registration: ER-BAU
Operator: Fly Pro
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8151Japan Airlines747-246F1981wfu 11.08.94
N740SJSouthern Air Transport747-246F1994frd Nar-JFK 30.8,UTI25.8,UTC25.08.94,lsd to SAT till 31.03.2000./FCC r1.97,still SAT, N-reg canc 8.01.99, frd Phoe-Anc-Tokyo 19.01.99
JA8937Japan Airlines747-246F1999NiL 11.01.99,r13.01.99, ro 18.02.99 Logistics col, is 4.03.99, own&rgd JALC 15.10.02, sNRT fncs 18.08.03, own JAI 16.02.07, wfu NRT 12.01.08, frd-->HND white-cs 07.02.08
HS-ORBOrient Thai Airlines747-246F2008
G-MKJAMK Airlines747-246F2008
G-MKJABritish Global Airlines747-246F2009sOST no tit small "opby MK AL"-sticker td, sMSE pkd white-cs 27.06.09
N224JTJPM747-246F2010N-reg canc 11.02.11
AP-BIVVision Air747-246F2011
4L-KABTCA - The Cargo Airlines747-246F2015sSHJ
ER-BAUFly Pro747-246F2016fis GYD-OAIX-KBL, new airline, AOC 30.11.16, Baku-Afghanistan cargo ops, not cn 24576, sSHJ 12.11.17 believed str, s26.09.18 white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
JA8937 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8937 Japan AirlinesEDDFgrahamepage
JA8937 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8937 Japan AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
N740SJ Southern Air TransportEGPKAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
JA8151 Japan AirlinesEGLLWarthog1