Boeing 747 [22479 / 496]

Registration: HS-UTR
Operator: Preserved
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT9D-7Q x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Preserved
Status: Preserved
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8150Japan Airlines747-246B1981own RyL r28.09.93, Super Resorts Expr 2.10.94, is 3.10, DiL r5.11.99
JA8150JALWays747-246B2000sReso'cha-JAL Ways nc 28.12.00, wfu&frd-->NRT for maint 01.11.07, frd-->CGK 16.11.07
HS-UTROrient Thai Airlines747-246B2007sCGK 03.01.08, sBKK str 26.09.09, HS-reg canc 12.09, s23.01.10, frd BKK-DMK 08.12.10 and pwfu, now part of static display at Don Muang Civil Aviation Exhibition, HS-reg canc 04.10.2012, still present 12.11.12,
HS-UTRPreserved747-246B2014Spotted in a field around 100 km west of Bangkok s07.05.17, complete, white, red engine cowlings, with red KCF logo on tail, acts as an advertisement at Kasemchai Fish Farm
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HS-UTR Orient Thai AirlinesVTBSGreggy
JA8150 JALWaysPHNLGreggy
JA8150 JALWaysPHNLGreggy
JA8150 Japan AirlinesKLAXWarthog1