Boeing 747 [22669 / 549]

Registration: TF-ARH
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-50E2 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABYWBoeing747-230B1981Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABYWLufthansa747-230B1981to IAI for conv 90
D-ABYWGerman Cargo747-230F(F)1991
D-ABYWLufthansa Cargo747-230F(F)1993ro fc 1.07.94 HAM , LLD/LC to LC r9.98, wfu 29.09.99
N742SASouthern Air Transport747-230F(F)1999Aircraft 22669 LLC 21.10.99, ho at FRA 22.10.99, due ret A2LLC 10.01, GECC 15.06.00, FSB 20.03.01, ret GECAS 03.03, frdSWF-->MZJ 30.04.03
TF-ARHAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230F(F)2003own WFBN, sLUX white-cs blue-tai&engines small Cargolux-sticker 24.09.03, sAMS fcs 05.04.04, own CAT 33 17.08.05
N531TALessor747-230F(F)2007arrGSO 19.09.07
N531TATradewinds Airlines747-230F(F)2007wfu & pkd unk loc 06.08, own BOU 23.07.08, N-reg canc exported to Iceland 05.09.08
TF-ARHAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230F(F)2008sCGK str 10.01.09, sKUL 11.04.09, s wfu 17.05.15 no engines, white/blue tail, poor cond, still abandoned at KUL bay M3, airport asks in advertizement 12.15 for owners to identify and claim the aircraft, s11.05.16
TF-ARHMalaysian Airlines747-230F(F)2008Lsd from Air Atlanta Icelandic
TF-ARHLessor747-230F(F)2009Northern Lights Leasing Ehf. Retired and std KUL 07.2009. Canx from Icelandic Register 08.06.2011
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ARH Air Atlanta IcelandicEHAMGreggy
N742SA Southern Air TransportEGPKAyronautica
D-ABYW Lufthansa CargoEDDFWarthog1
D-ABYW Lufthansa CargoEGPKAyronautica
D-ABYW LufthansaEGPKAyronautica
D-ABYW LufthansaEDDFWarthog1