Boeing 747 [22671 / 574]

Registration: TF-ARL
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-50E2 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABYYBoeing747-230B1982Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABYYGerman Cargo747-230B(F)1991 to TLV 6.91 for conv own LuftLG r8.91/to Citibank 2.92
D-ABYYLufthansa Cargo747-230B(F)1993s11.12.99 as N743SA (id not conf) ?! BKK, white, Southern tit, to Beijing 24.04.00 for overhaul as D-ABYY
N743SASouthern Air747-230B(F)2000sHAM 27.07.00 fc D-rgd, Aircraft 22671 LLC 1.08.00, GECC 1.08.00 as N743SA, Southern lsd due ret 8.12, depa HAM 2.08.00 white/black tit, FSB r21.03.01, ret GECAS & frd-->MZJ 27.03.03
TF-ARLAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230B(F)2003own WFBN, sCGN white-cs blue tail opf BA Cargo 16.06.03
TF-ARLMalaysian Airline System Kargo747-230B(F)2004sAMS fcs td, own CAT 33, las AAI 10.08.05
9M-MHZMalaysian Airline System Kargo747-230B(F)2005sAMS 12.12.05
TF-ARLAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230B(F)2006frd-->CGK for maint td
TF-ARLCathay Pacific Airways747-230B(F)2006frd-->HKG td, arrVCV white-cs 03.08.07
TF-ARLAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230B(F)2007
VP-BXETesis Air Cargo747-230B(F)2007
TF-ARLAir Atlanta Icelandic747-230B(F)2008TF-reg can to Bermuda again 00.11.08, sLUX white-cs blue tail 13.03.09, frd-->KUL 26.06.09, s18.02.11
TF-ARLLessor747-230B(F)2009Northern Lights Leasing Ehf. Retired and std KUL 26.06.2009. B/u for spares 08.2011
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABYY Lufthansa CargoEGPKAyronautica
D-ABYY Lufthansa CargoEGPKAyronautica
D-ABYY Lufthansa CargoEDDFWarthog1
D-ABYY LufthansaOTT/OFFAyronautica