Boeing 747 [22768 / 561]

Registration: N922FT
Operator: Tradewinds Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PK-GSEBoeing747-2U3B1982Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PK-GSEGaruda Indonesia747-2U3B1982JFS 21.12.94,lsd, ret 30.11.98 JFS SARL
N105TRLessor747-2U3B(F)1998s22.04.99 TLV, being F-conv by Bedek
N922FTPolar Air Cargo747-2U3B(F)1999sis AMS 18.10.99 white (tit?), rr 25.01.00, s29.01.00 fc, due ret 9.01
N922FTAtlas Air747-2U3B(F)2002frd-->ROW td, sis 06.02 and 07.02
N922FTPolar Air Cargo747-2U3B(F)2002sPIK still in service td, sSan Antonio Tradewinds-fcs 18.08.04
N922FTTradewinds Airlines747-2U3B(F)200407.06.06 Medellin (MDE), Colombia 0(5) dbr when overran the runway whilst starting after an engine failure and an abborted take off, own TAF, N-reg canc 23.04.09
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N922FT Polar Air CargoLSZHGreggy
N922FT Polar Air CargoEHAMgrahamepage
N922FT Polar Air CargoEGPKAyronautica
PK-GSE Garuda IndonesiaLSZHAyronautica
PK-GSE Garuda IndonesiaEGLLWarthog1