Boeing 747 [22769 / 562]

Registration: N923FT
Operator: Kalitta Air
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT9D-7Q x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PK-GSFBoeing747-2U3B1982Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PK-GSFGaruda Indonesia747-2U3B1982JFS 21.12.94,lsd, ret 12.98 JFS SARL
N106TRLessor747-2U3B(F)1998sLarnaca 26.12.98, s22.04.99 TLV being F-conv by Bedek, s2.10.99 Marana Polar Air fc
N923FTPolar Air Cargo747-2U3B(F)1999rreg s26.01.00 fc, own WFBN 21.04.01, s Lajes 9.03.02 (i.s.?)
N923FTAtlas Air747-2U3B(F)2002frd-->ROW td, sis 06.02 and 07.02, ret TrAS 10.04
N923FTTradewinds Airlines747-2U3B(F)2004arrGSO td, wfu & pkd TLV 06.08, ret WFBN 25.07.08, frd-->SKP 31.08.08
Z3-CAAStar Airlines747-2U3B(F)2008sSJH mainly white-cs STAR-tit fwd and "Orex cargo"-tit mid fuselage 09.11.08
N923FTLessor747-2U3B(F)2010arrOSC 02.10.10
N923FTKalitta Air747-2U3B(F)2011s03.05.13, s wfu OSC 23.11.15, s22.08.16 Star Air fcs. B/u 09.2017 at OSC
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N923FT Atlas AirEGPKAyronautica
PK-GSF Garuda IndonesiaEGLLWarthog1