VP-BQH/VPBQH Transaero Airlines Boeing 747 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Boeing 747 [22791 / 568]

Registration: VP-BQH
Operator: Transaero Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-NZZAir New Zealand747-219B1982
9M-MHHMalaysian Airline System747-219B1991
ZK-NZZAir New Zealand747-219B1992
ZK-NZZAirtours International747-219B1998frd to Manch 28-29.4, Airtours tit/tail, is 1.5, repo ret 5.07.98, but last svc 1.11.98
ZK-NZZAir New Zealand747-219B1998wfu 6.99?
G-VIBEVirgin Atlantic Airways747-219B1999first repo bt 12.09.99, LGW 26.9, frd metal to AMS 27.09.99 for repaint, named "Dancing Queen", nn "Spirit of New York", frd LHR-AMS 4.11.01, frd to LHR 10.11.01 after maint, arr MHV 12.02.02 for str, depa 22.02.02 to UK for ret i.s., expected back at MHV s25.03.02, s23.01.05
N701TALessor747-219B2005frd-->SAT 20.07.05, frd-->FZO for paint 26.10.05
VP-BQHTransaero Airlines747-219B2005frd-->DME 04.11.05, wfu&frd-->RME 25.11.11, s02.05.14, s07.06.15 now with tail and part of wings cut off, presum brup 2015
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BQH Transaero AirlinesLMMLgrahamepage
G-VIBE Virgin Atlantic AirwaysEGLLWarthog1
G-VIBE Virgin Atlantic AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
ZK-NZZ Airtours InternationalEGCCAV8 Photos
ZK-NZZ Airtours InternationalEGCCAV8 PhotosPhoto Taken
ZK-NZZ Airtours InternationalEGCCAV8 Photos
ZK-NZZ Air New ZealandKLAXWarthog1