Boeing 747 [23028 / 584]

Registration: TF-AMK
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N117KCSingapore Airlines747-31219839V-SQV, 9V-SKC ntu
VH-INKAnsett Australia747-3121995wfu 19.12.98, to Sing 20.12, VH-canc 21.12.98
N117KCLessor747-3121998sLas Vegas 12.01.99 white, s7.99
F-GSEXCorsair International747-3121999sOrly 10.10.99 white no tit, reg as F/W/SEX, is 26.02.00 fc plus red lips, WTC r25.02.00, due ret 25.02.06
TF-AMKAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122005sLUX td, own Fushall Ltd 10.10.05, arrPEK for maint Corsair-bcs11.10.05
TF-AMKAir Atlanta Europe747-3122005isMAN white-cs td
TF-AMKAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122006sMSE td
TF-AMKExcel Airways747-3122006sMAN white-cs ""-taillogo td
TF-AMKAir India747-3122006frd-->CCJ with Air India flightnr td, sBOM white-cs no tit 21.12.06
TF-AMKAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122007sGRO white-cs td, sHKG opf Saudia 24.08.07, frd-->KUL for maint&paint after Hadj-flights 24.01.08, sGMG-cs
TF-AMKGMG Airlines747-3122008
TF-AMKAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122010str KUL 2009, broken up 2011
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-AMK Air Atlanta IcelandicEGKKgrahamepage
F-GSEX Corsair InternationalLFPOgrahamepage
N117KC Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1