Boeing 747 [23032 / 603]

Registration: TF-AME
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N121KGSingapore Airlines747-31219849V-SQZ, 9V-SKG ntu, Ansett lsd 6.95, ret 95, 7.96, ret 9.96, BaTC ret 16.01.97, wfu McCarran Field Las Vegas 1.97
F-GSEACorsair International747-3121997r29.08.97, sSXM with small "World of TUI"-sticker on nose 00.12.02, own AF&TD 08.12.04
TF-AMEAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122004arrMAN td, sLGW Corsair-bcs AAI-tit 21.12.04, sJED Corsair bcs no tit 13.01.05
TF-AMETravelCityDirect.com747-3122005sMAN fcs td
TF-AMEAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122008frd-->CGK for maint after Hadj-flights for Air Senegal 19.01.08, arrFJR 22.02.13, sLOS Med-View-tit 07.10.13, arrLDE ret AAI 09.11.13, frd-->Kemble 14.01.14, s fuselage only 19.01.15, ann brup and three fuselage parts trucked to Staffordshire to be used for interior design studnets 16.02.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-AME Air Atlanta IcelandicEGBPcolinw
TF-AME Air Atlanta IcelandicEGPKAyronautica
F-GSEA Corsair InternationalEGCCAV8 Photos
F-GSEA Corsair InternationalEGCCAV8 Photos
N121KG Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1