Boeing 747 [23033 / 609]

Registration: HS-VAB
Operator: Phuket Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N122KHSingapore Airlines747-31219859V-SQA, 9V-SKH ntu
N122KHAnsett Australia747-3121997last Sing svc 23.03.97??
9V-SKHSingapore Airlines747-3121998apperently ret soon/Ansett ntu? s1.10.98 Istanbul/ N355TA Trans Int Express ro fc Singapore, pkd 26.08.99 ntu, s20.11.99 basic TIE col no tit pkd, id 22.02.00, frd to Victorville 3-4.01.01 white/blue-green belly
N122KHLessor747-3122001frd Victorville-Marana 17.09.01, canc 24.10.01
TJ-CAECameroon Airlines747-3122001frd to Phoe. 24.10.01 fc, to Douala 25.10.01
TJ-CAEAlbarka Airlines747-3122003sJED for Hadj td, sLUX str since 05.03
TJ-CAECameroon Airlines747-3122003sCDG td
HS-VABPhuket Airlines747-3122004sBKK 18.12.04, sCGK str fcs 27.02.06, s15.09.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TJ-CAE Albarka AirlinesELLXGreggy
TJ-CAE Albarka AirlinesELLXGreggy
N122KH Singapore AirlinesLGATAyronautica
N122KH Singapore AirlinesLSZHAyronautica
N122KH Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1