Boeing 747 [23137 / 600]

Registration: HS-UTK
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-50E2 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N4551NKLM Royal Dutch Airlines747-3061984
PH-BUVKLM Royal Dutch Airlines747-3061991wfu AMS 30.11.03
HS-UTKOrient Thai Airlines747-3062004frd-->BKK td, sBKK fcs & "One-Two-Go by Orient Thai"-tit 28.02.04, sBKK str minus 1 engine 28.05.06, sCAI bis same-cs 29.07.06, sJED Garuda-tit 06.12.07, sBKK "One-Two-Go by Orient Thai"-tit 02.03.08
HS-UTKBiman Bangladesh Airlines747-3062008sJED on Hadj-flights td, sUTH no engines perm wfu 08.09, HS-reg canc 04.11.10, s01.13
HS-UTKLessor747-3062009JT Power Leasing. Retired and std UTH 25.08.2009. Canx from Thai register 04.11.2010. B/u 2015 at UTH
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMAyronautica
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMgrahamepage
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
PH-BUV KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMWarthog1
N4551N KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesKORDWarthog1
N4551N KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEGPKAyronautica