N196AT/N196AT Lessor Boeing 747 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© colinw

Boeing 747 [23244 / 621]

Registration: N196AT
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N124KKSingapore Airlines747-3121985own WTC s25.06.98, canc 1.10.98
9V-SKKSingapore Airlines747-3121998sis IST 9.88, str sSingapore 21.02.99 fc, s6.06.99 as ZS-OKK for African Star AW str Sing, s11.99 pkd, nt
N680SWUTFC747-3122000sManston 30.12.00 white, canc 16.01.01
TF-ATGAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122001UTFC r17.01.01, repo due lse Air Asia, s12.04.01 Air Asia tit removed at Manston, ret UTFC 15.04.01, s25.04.01 no reg vis
N680SWUTFC747-3122001frd Manston-Victorville 1.06.01, s11.06.01 white
TF-ATGAir Atlanta Icelandic747-3122001frd to Manston 12.07.01, sis CDG 20.07.01 white, all green tail, opf Air France, sOrly 22.08.01 id, sManston str white 14.10.01, id 29.10.01, s pkd Luxembourg 8.12.01 white, Garuda slsd, sSHJ 19.01.02 white, bound for Jakarta to be based there, ret UTFC 06.02
F-GSKYCorsair International747-3122002rgd UTFC opby 19.06.02, own V1C-23244 LLC 17.12.02, sORY str Corsair-bcs 21.05.07, frd-->GYR lease ret 03.07.07, own ATI 21.08.07
N196ATLessor747-3122007N-reg canc to Seychelles 06.08.08 (remain str till operator is known), s still at GYR 21.09.08, s02.02.15, repo broken up 08
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GSKY Corsair InternationalKGYRcolinwPhoto Taken
N124KK Singapore AirlinesLGATAyronautica
N124KK Singapore AirlinesLSZHAyronautica
N124KK Singapore AirlinesEGLLWarthog1