Boeing 747 [23736 / 673]

Registration: 4L-GEL
Operator: TCA - The Cargo Airlines
HEX Code: 514090
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4G2 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N151UAUnited Airlines747-222B1987Las Vegas 5.01.99 fc, s12.07.99, depa 17.08.99, sLas Vegas 23.09.99 basic nc, depa 27.06.00 Wichita for F-conv
N645NWNorthwest Airlines747-222B(F)2000rr 28.08.00, ff 19.05.01 after F-conv, is 25.05.01 nc
N645NWDelta Air Lines747-222B(F)2008mgd td, frd-->MZJ & str 10.01.09, own DAL 31.12.09
N645NWKalitta Air747-222B(F)2010arrOSC 26.09.10, N793CK req 10.10
N793CKKalitta Air747-222B(F)2010re-rgd, wfs SEA 20.04.17 as final US commercial 742, frd SEA-OSC 21.04.17, canc 06.06.17
4L-GELTCA - The Cargo Airlines747-222B(F)2017
4L-GELTCA - The Cargo Airlines747-222B(F)2018Std CGK
4L-GELGeo-Sky747-222B(F)2019Lsd from The Cargo Airlines
4L-GELTCA - The Cargo Airlines747-222B(F)2019Ret from lease. wfu and std TBS 26.06.2019. B/u 10.2021 at TBS
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N793CK Kalitta AirKLAXJLRAviation
N793CK Kalitta AirEHAMcolinw
N645NW Delta Air LinesKMZJcolinw
N151UA United AirlinesKLAXWarthog1