Boeing 747 [23982 / 735]

Registration: PH-BFC
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-80C2B1F x 4
Fleet Name: Calgary / City of Calgary
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PH-BFCKLM Royal Dutch Airlines747-4061989incident 15.12.89 nr Mt Redoubt, Alaska 0(245), all engines failed due to volcano ash, landed safely in ANC, own WeT, KLM Asia tit&markings, sNRT ncs 04.03.08, sKUL "Asia"-tit removed 19.03.12, wfs 10.03.18, frd to Teruel 12.03.18 and pwfu
PH-BFCLessor747-4062018Retired and std TEV 12.03.2018. B/u 01.2020 at TEV
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMJLRAviation
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesOTT/OFFGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMGreggy
PH-BFC KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesEHAMWarthog1