Boeing 747 [24088 / 697]

Registration: TF-ATZ
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BDXPBritish Airways747-236B(F)1988Combi, cvtd to all pax 5.91, wfu 4.02.01 LHR, tt 53059, 7782 l, frd to Cambridge basic col, Hong Kong 14.02.01 full BA col!, fs, Snapdragon Ltd r21.02.01, s4.06.01 Hong Kong pkd white/grey no tit, reg canc to TF- 24.07.01
TF-ATZAir Atlanta Icelandic747-236B(F)2001Snapdragon Ltd r25.07.01, lsd to Air Atl Icel, s pkd 3.10.01 Hong Kong dirty white col, rrgd, frd to Luxembourg 9.12.01 white, sSHJ 19.01.02 white/grey no tit, sChateauroux 21.04.02 white, str, sis JFK 27.07.02,
TF-ATZMalaysian Airline System747-236B(F)2002sPert opf Malaysia Cargo td, sDubai MAS tail-cs 30.06.03
TF-ATZAir Atlanta Icelandic747-236B(F)2009sSZB white-cs td, s16.09.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ATZ Malaysian Airline SystemEHAMAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLGreggy
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLGreggy
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
G-BDXP British AirwaysOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAV8 Photos
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLScottyBoy76
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BDXP British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica