Boeing 747 [24177 / 710]

Registration: N792CK
Operator: Kalitta Air
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4G2 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9V-SKQSingapore Airlines747-212F1988
N750SJSouthern Air Transport747-212F1997own WTC, s7.97 Singapore SAT fc, first repo to SAT 15.07.97, WTC to FInova 17.11.98
ZS-SBJSouth African Airways747-212F1998own FINOVA CC, s23.11.98 JFK basic SAT col
N644NWNorthwest Airlines747-212F1999own FINOVA CC, lsd NW 11.99, to Hong Kong 13.05.00 for heavy maint, special col NW/KL sticker, is 16.08.00 special col, own NWA 28.02.06
N644NWDelta Air Lines747-212F2008mgd td, frd-->MZJ & str 26.12.09, own DAL 31.12.09
N644NWKalitta Air747-212F2010arrOSC 21.09.10
N792CKKalitta Air747-212F2010re-rgd, sOSC str 24.08.14, s wfu 23.11.15, s08.16. Partially scrapped by 12.2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N792CK Kalitta AirOTT/OFFAyronautica
N792CK Kalitta AirOTT/OFFcolinw
N750SJ Southern Air TransportEGPKAyronautica
N750SJ Southern Air TransportEGPKAyronautica
9V-SKQ Singapore AirlinesEGLLScottyBoy76
9V-SKQ Singapore AirlinesEKCHWarthog1