Boeing 747 [25152 / 861]

Registration: ER-BYK
Operator: Terra Avia
HEX Code: 504E70
Engines: RR RB211-524H x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-SAWSouth African Airways747-4441991frd-->XMN to be F-cvtd SAA-fcs 16.03.06
B-HUSCathay Pacific Airways747-444(BCF)2006frd-->HKG after F-conv new metallic-cs 15.09.06, frd-->VCV str 12.01.09, frd-->XMN to go bis 07.06.10
B-HUSAir Hong Kong747-444(BCF)2011arr HKG DHL fcs td, wfs 30.08.19, HKG-- MZJ 28-30.09.19
N251KW21 Air747-444(BCF)2020Std MCI 17.01.2021
VP-BYKLessor747-444(BCF)2021Aquiline International
VP-BYKLongtail Aviation747-444(BCF)2022Lsd from Aquiline International. Std FLL 19.03.2022, std RFD 07.06.2022. Ent svc 22.06.2022. Std KGF 25.07.2022.
ER-BYKTerra Avia747-444(BCF)2022Lsd from Aquiline International. Ent svc 07.11.2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
B-HUS Air Hong KongVHHHJLRAviation
B-HUS Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGLLGreggy
B-HUS Cathay Pacific AirwaysEGLLgrahamepage
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLGreggy
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysFAORWarthog1
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLScottyBoy76
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLScottyBoy76
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
ZS-SAW South African AirwaysEGLLAyronautica