Boeing 747 [28551 / 1131]

Registration: TF-AMH
Operator: Air Atlanta Icelandic
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
V5-NMAAir Namibia747-48E1999sEv 27.11.97 full Asiana col, as HL7424, ntu, sMarana 2.01.98 fc, arr BoeF 1.10.98 for tests,ret Marana 8.12.98, depa Marana 20.07.99, ret Everett 25.08.99 Asiana col, s20.09.99 full Namib col V5-rgd, spkd AMS white-cs no tit (poss for Air Gabon) 22.10.02, frd-->FRA 24.10.02, bis 03.03, frdFRA-->AMS prior to sale 01.09.04,
A6-UAECorporate747-48E2004arrHAM white-cs by Lufthansa Technik 28.09.04 to be VIP-cvtd, tested and del 22.06.06, frd-->AUH 06.11.06
CN-MBHMoroccan Government747-48E2016sRabat 28.01.16 Abu Dhabi cs, arr AMS 08.02.16 red cheatline, repainted in RAM style Moroccan Gvmt cs, depa 19.02.16 to HAM for cabin mods, frd to Rabat 06.03.16
CN-TSDMoroccan Government747-48E2017frd CNM-Hahn 26.10.17 as such
A6-DAWCorporate747-48E2017frd CNM--SIN 15-17.11.17
TF-AMHAir Atlanta Icelandic747-48E(SCD)2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
A6-HMM CorporateOTT/OFFstewartgholman
A6-UAE CorporateOTT/OFFcolinw
A6-UAE CorporateOTT/OFFGreggy
A6-UAE CorporateEGLLgrahamepage
V5-NMA Air NamibiaEGLLWarthog1