Boeing 747 [29900 / 1296]

Registration: 9H-AZC
Operator: Air Atlanta Europe
HEX Code: 4D23D6
Engines: PW PW4056 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9M-MPPBoeing747-4H62002Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
9M-MPPMalaysian Airline System747-4H62002backup aircraft since 2012, wfs mid 2014, wfs SZB 17.03.15, s17.03.16 just repainted in retro 1970s cs for back up services when A380s are in overhaul, looked at by Biman Bangladesh 06.16 for 2016 hadj season but they took an unidentified Eaglexpress 744 instead, never in svc and sold again, marketed for sale by PwC 24.05.16, sCGK 24.10.16 maintenance centre
TF-AAMSaudia747-4H62017own Air Atlanta Icelandic, frd CGK-JED, fis 08.05.17
TF-AAMAir Atlanta Icelandic747-4H62022Std SHJ 01.04.2022
9H-AZCAir Atlanta Europe747-4H62022
9H-AZCSaudia747-4H62022Op by Air Atlanta Europe
9H-AZCAir Atlanta Europe747-4H62023Std GBA 10.10.2023. Being scrapped.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-AZC Air Atlanta EuropeEGBPJLRAviation
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEGLLWarthog1
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEGLLcolinw
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEGLLJLRAviation
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEGLLAyronautica
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEHAMGreggy
9M-MPP Malaysian Airline SystemEGLLgrahamepage