Boeing 757 [22211 / 74]

Registration: N314ST
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N521EAEastern Air Lines757-2251985WTC own 18.12.85, ret 18.03.91 str
G-OOOVAir 2000757-2251991rr 12.02.92, arr Filton 4.11.01 for str, frd-->MAN bis 02.04.02, ret GATXLC 07.05.02, arr SEN white cs light blue cowlings 10.05.02, frd-->Manston 05.09.02
TF-ARDAir Atlanta Icelandic757-2252002arrMZJ for maint&paint 02.11.02, frd-->MAN Excel AW-bcs Atlanta Icel-tit 19.03.03
TF-ARDExcel Airways757-2252003sMAN fcs 10.04.03
TF-ARDAir Atlanta Icelandic757-2252003sMZJ str white-cs blue tail&eng 26.12.03
TF-ARDExcel Airways757-2252004sACE is fcs td, sSNN pkd Excel-fcs 26.04.05, sisMAN 22.06.05, dam to noseradome and cockpit windows by heavy hailstrom on route from PMI-->LGW 0(?) 20.08.05
TF-ARDAir Atlanta Icelandic757-2252005frd-->SNN & pkd 02.11.05
G-VKNBExcel Airways757-2252006fcs
N314STLessor757-225(F)2006G-reg canc td, F-cvtd 04.07
PR-LGHVARIG Logistica757-225(F)2007
N314STLessor757-225(F)2010own Aerolease 757 MSN 22211 LLC 25.06.10, sVQQ 23.10.10, frd-->BAH 08.09.11
A9C-DHCDHL Aviation Services757-225(F)2011repo 02.17 for lease or sale from 04.17
N314STAerolease Aviation757-225(F)2017frd Bahrein--SJO 30.03-01.04.17, Aerolease 757 MSN 22211 LLC (Dallas) r16.06.17, frd SJO-TUS 19.12.17, TUS-GYR 04.01.18, TVPX Aircraft Solutions r02.08.18, frd GYR--BUD 21-22.06.19 on del to?
N314STLessor757-225(F)2018Pacific Air Express MSN 22211 Pty Ltd
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N314ST Aerolease AviationKGYRgrahamepage
A9C-DHC DHL Aviation ServicesOTT/OFFcolinw
G-VKNB Excel AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
G-VKNB Excel AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-VKNB Excel AirwaysLEALgrahamepage
TF-ARD Excel AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
TF-ARD Excel AirwaysEGCCGreggy
TF-ARD Excel AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
G-OOOV Air 2000EGPFAyronautica
G-OOOV Air 2000EGPFScottyBoy76
G-OOOV Air 2000EGCCScottyBoy76
G-OOOV Air 2000EGPFScottyBoy76
G-OOOV Air 2000EGKKWarthog1