Boeing 757 [23767 / 127]

Registration: C-GIAJ
Operator: CargoJet Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-OOOABoeing757-28A1987Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-OOOAAir 2000757-28A1987
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1989
G-OOOAAir 2000757-28A1990
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1990
G-OOOAAir 2000757-28A1991
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1991
C-FOOAAir 2000757-28A1992
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1992
C-FOOAAir 2000757-28A1993
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1993
C-FOOAAir 2000757-28A1994
C-FOOACanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1994
G-OOOAAir 2000757-28A1995ret ILFC&frd-->KEF 20.11.02
N767ANMSA V757-28A2002frd-->MHV 21.11.02, s05.10.03, own MSA I 24.10.03
N767ANAvianca757-28A(F)2003frd-->Bogota td, sBOG white-cs blue engines/tail prob for Excel AW 07.06, dep BOG 22.07.06, ret MSA I & frd-->VQQ to be F-cvtd 10.10.06, own WFBN 11.10.06, F-cvtd 02.07, sVarig Log-cs 20.02.07
PR-LGGVARIG Logistica757-28A(F)2007N-reg canc td
N767ANLessor757-28A(F)2008sVQQ 26.10.08, s Arrow Air''-cs 23.10.10, own MAL-->BoU 08.12.11, frd-->ROW 12.07.12, frd-->HLZ 29.01.14
C-GIAJCargoJet Airways757-28A(F)2014own AWAS
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-GIAJ CargoJet AirwaysKJFKWarthog1
C-GIAJ CargoJet AirwaysKGYRgrahamepage
G-OOOA Air 2000EGCCGreggy
G-OOOA Air 2000EGCCAV8 Photos
G-OOOA Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
C-FOOA Air 2000EGKKScottyBoy76
C-FOOA Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
C-FOOA Air 2000EGKKScottyBoy76
C-FOOA Air 2000EGCCAyronautica
C-FOOA Air 2000EGGWAyronautica
G-OOOA Air 2000EGCCWarthog1
G-OOOA Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
G-OOOA Air 2000EGCCAyronautica
G-OOOA Air 2000EGCCAyronautica
G-OOOA Air 2000EGPFAyronautica
G-OOOA Air 2000EGPKAyronautica