Boeing 757 [23983 / 161]

Registration: N950PT
Operator: SAM Colombia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AMUXBoeing757-2G51988Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-AMUXLTU Sud757-2G51988
TC-OGCAtlasjet International Airways757-2G52001ro HAM fc 24.08.01, small LTU sticker applied to op 4 LTU flights before h/o and rrgd, fc s7.10.01 DUS, named "Sait"
TC-OGCAtlasjet International Airways757-2G52003sHAN tit & webadres 09.05.03
HS-OGBThaiJet757-2G52003sU-Tapao Atlas-bcs Thai-tit and lotus on tail 14.12.03
TC-OGGAtlasjet International Airways757-2G52004sHAJ bcs large red billboard tit td, sNUE with added "Jetmil"-sticker 04.07.05, sDUS blue-bcs red fuselage tit, red tail with newest logo 07.04.06
N983MQEast Trust757-2G52007sFNI during testflightts 23.08.07
CS-TFKEuro Atlantic Airways757-2G52007sLIS fcs 13.10.07, wfu&arrIGM ret ETS 10.09.10
N950PTSAM Colombia757-2G52010own AAL 01.10.10, s brup area gutted 21.07.11, N-reg canc 09.01.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TFK Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGLLRJflyerPhoto Taken
CS-TFK Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGLLRJflyerPhoto Taken
CS-TFK Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
HS-OGB ThaiJetEDDFAyronautica