N913FD/N913FD Fedex - Federal Express Boeing 757 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Boeing 757 [24017 / 162]

Registration: N913FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-OOOCBoeing757-28A1988Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1988
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1990
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1991
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1993
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1994
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1994
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1995
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1995
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1996
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1996
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1997own B&BAM/NBB by 6.97
C-FXOCCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1997
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1998wfu 19.11.98, canc 10.12.98
C-FRYLRoyal Aviation757-28A1998r10.12.98
G-OOOCAir 2000757-28A1999sCOP 17.11.99 'Alletiders' tit, opf (tour operator) till spring 2000
C-FTDVSkyservice Airlines757-28A2003sMAN Air 2000-cs td
C-FTDVAir 2000757-28A2003sDUB td
C-FTDVSkyservice Airlines757-28A2003frd-->Toronto Air 2000-bcs Skyservice-tit td
C-FTDVFirst Choice Airways757-28A2006arrLTN for maint td, frd-->YYZ after maint 18.05.06, fcs
C-FTDVThomson Airways757-28A2008
N913FDFedex - Federal Express757-28A(F)2008frd-->BFM to be F-cvtd 08.11.08, F-cvtd 22.11.09
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEDDKGreggy
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101Photo Taken
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBEmirates101
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGCCAV8 Photos
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGBBdixieboy
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressLFPGWarthog1
N913FD Fedex - Federal ExpressEGLCgrahamepage
C-FTDV First Choice AirwaysEGGWgrahamepage
G-OOOC Air 2000EGCCGreggy
G-OOOC Air 2000EGBBWarthog1
G-OOOC Air 2000EGCCAV8 PhotosPhoto Taken
G-OOOC Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
G-OOOC Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
G-OOOC Air 2000EGPFScottyBoy76
G-OOOC Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
G-OOOC Air 2000EGPFScottyBoy76
G-OOOC Air 2000EGKKWarthog1
G-OOOC Air 2000EGCCAyronautica
G-OOOC Air 2000EGPKAyronautica
G-OOOC Air 2000EGPFAyronautica