Boeing 757 [24118 / 163]

Registration: N977FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code: AD9E27
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name: Gatten
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BNSDBoeing757-2361988Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-BNSDAir Europe757-2361988
EC-204Air Europa757-2361988
EC-EMAAir Europa757-2361989
G-BNSDAir Europe757-2361989
G-BNSDNFD - Nurnberger Flugdienst757-2361990D-AOGA ntu
G-BNSDAir Europe757-2361990repo Citibank 15.03.91, pkd Lasham 4.91
PH-TKYTransavia Airlines757-2361992
N769BEChina Southern Airlines757-2361993BoeEqH bt/N-rgd 26.03.93, B&BAM 5.97, ret B&BAM 3.08.98, sEverett 20.09.98 white, WTC to BBAM AH 22.10.98, N-reg canc 22.10.98
C-GRYORoyal Aviation757-2361998depa by then, C-rgd 4.11.98, to PALS I Inc 24.03.99
C-GRYOCanada 3000 Airlines757-2362001ceased ops 9.11.01, s pkd Toronto 20.11.01
N958PGLessor757-2362002spkd GYR Can 3000 cs 18.03.02, sEverett blue tail TMA-tit in tail 14.08.02
N958PGTransMeridian Airlines757-2362002due to be lsd to Air Santo Domingo 12.02
N958PGAvianca757-2362003sMIA Transmeridian-cs Avianca tit td
N958PGTransMeridian Airlines757-2362004sMIA fcs td, sPIT "Kerry - Edwards"-, "A Stronger America"- and ""-tit on fwd fuselage 06.07.04, sMIA all Kerry-tit removed 21.11.04, csd ops MIA ret PALS I 29.09.05
YV2243Santa Barbara Airlines757-2362006fcs, sMIA str fcs 17.11.10, sis 27.07.11, sMIA str maint area 20.10.11
N630SHFedex - Federal Express757-2362013frd-->VCV 19.12.13, frd-->XSP to be F-cvtd 13.01.14
N977FDFedex - Federal Express757-236(F)2014Written off, dbr in wheels up landing at CHA 04.10.2023. Remains b/u onsite at CHA 12.2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N977FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKMEMgrahamepage
PH-TKY Transavia AirlinesEHAMWarthog1
G-BNSD Air EuropeEGKKWarthog1