Boeing 757 [24235 / 180]

Registration: N235WD
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-OOODBoeing757-28A1988Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1988own ILFC
C-FXODCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1989
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1989
C-FXODCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1989
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1990
C-FXODCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1990
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1991
C-FXODCanada 3000 Airlines757-28A1991
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1992to Manch 22.11.98, opf Air France 22.11.98 only, G-reg canc 17.12.98
C-FXODAir 2000757-28A1998
C-GRYURoyal Aviation757-28A1998r18.12.98
C-GRYUAir 2000757-28A1999arr Manch 26.04.99, to LGW 1.05.99, sis 31.05.99 as C-
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A1999wfu as C- 27.10.99 Manch, r28.10.99, is as G- 29.10.99 wfu 6.11.99
G-OOODAero Continente757-28A1999basic Air 2000 col, Aero Continente tit
G-OOODAir 2000757-28A2000
C-GBODSkyservice Airlines757-28A2003
G-OOODFirst Choice Airways757-28A2004arrFZO for repaint to ncs td, rr 07.04.04, sBOH still with Skysvc-tit 26.04.04, frd-->YXX ret WSC 13.05.04
PR-LGFVARIG Logistica757-28A(F)2007arr GIG fcs F-cvtd 08.02.07
N235WDLessor757-28A(F)2010at SJO, arrDHN 23.11.10, frd-->SAT 08.05.12, frd-->GYR 19.05.12, own Jetran LLC 21.11.14, s31.07.15 Varig LOG cs
PR-XCAColt Cargo757-28A(F)2015sGYR fcs rrgd 04.09.15, BoU 12.11.15, frd GYR-MIA 13.11.15, MIA-GIG 17.11.15, N-reg canc 25.11.15
N328JJLessor757-28A(F)2016N-rgd but repo still opf Colt Cargo, marketed since 11.11.16 by Jetran LLC through available for lease, frd GRU-MIA 01.02.17
N235WDLessor757-28A(F)2017repo ex PR-XCA, presum never N328JJ, still str MIA 25.11.17 as PR-XCA, Jetran LLC r16.02.18, frd MIA-ROW 28.08.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N235WD LessorKROWgrahamepage
G-OOOD Air 2000EGCCGreggy
G-OOOD Air 2000EGCCAyronautica
G-OOOD Air 2000EGKKAyronautica
G-OOOD Air 2000EGCCWarthog1
G-OOOD Air 2000EGCCWarthog1
C-FXOD Canada 3000 AirlinesEGGWAyronautica
G-OOOD Air 2000EGGWAyronautica
C-FXOD Canada 3000 AirlinesKFLLAyronautica
C-FXOD Canada 3000 AirlinesEGCCAyronautica
C-FXOD Canada 3000 AirlinesEGCCAyronautica
C-FXOD Canada 3000 AirlinesEGPFAyronautica
G-OOOD Air 2000EGPKAyronautica