Boeing 757 [24497 / 228]

Registration: N944FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AMUZBoeing757-2G51989Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-AMUZLTU Sud757-2G51989
D-AMUZLTU International Airways757-2G51997s5.97 LTU col, frd-->HAM LTU-cs 21.07.02, frd&str MUC white-cs 27.07.02, arr Tanagra white-cs no tit 29.11.02
SX-BVNElectra Aviation757-2G52002own LCP LTU LLC 23.12.02
SX-BVNAir Scotland757-2G52003fcs, imp EDI 25.04.03
SX-BVNElectra Aviation757-2G52003sCDG Air Scotland-cs opf Daallo 23.05.03, grounded Greek authorities & str BRU 25.06.03, sPGF Air Scotland-cs 26.08.03
N497GXEast Trust757-2G52003sFNI same-cs 17.10.03, frd-->PWM 26.03.04, frd-->MZJ 27.03.04
N740PAPrimaris Airlines757-2G52004
N740PASanta Barbara Airlines757-2G52005sMIA fcs td
N740PAPrimaris Airlines757-2G52006arrMIA td, sVCV Saudi Arabian AL-fcs 02.11.08
F-GTIQSaudi Arabian Airlines757-2G52008lsd to Eagle Aviation, ret Eagle Avtn 21.04.09
N497EAEast Trust757-2G52009frdSNN-->VCV 06.05.09
N497EAFedex - Federal Express757-2G52010arrXSP to be F-cvtd 30.07.10
N944FDFedex - Federal Express757-2G5(F)2010re-rgd, F-cvtd 12.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-AMUZ LTU International AirwaysEDDLWarthog1