Boeing 757 [24566 / 255]

Registration: C-FKAJ
Operator: CargoJet Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
5Y-BGIBoeing757-23A1989Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
5Y-BGIKenya Airways757-23A1989ret AnstWW 01.05.93/N251LA Leisure Air lse 12.93 NTU
XA-RLMTAESA757-23A1993ret AnstWW 14.09.94, ret again 14.10.94 sis fc 9.97,s12.01.98 MIA basic TAESA, STAF tit on port side
XA-RLMAir Madeira757-23A1998frd Lisbon-Stansted, white no tit, to fly for Leisure Int (dam A-320), Air Luxor's AOC, opf Leisure ext. to 31.08.98 (based Faro, opb Mexican crew), based Manch 7.09.98 opf Air 2000 white, wfu 26.08.98, ret Mad, last 2000 svc 1.11.98
XA-RLMTAESA757-23A1998Air Madeira flight 20-21.03.99 in full TAME col, s 19.06.99, 22.07.99 full nw TAESA col
N566ANLessor757-23A2000sGoodyear AZ 12.02.00 fc, as XA- still, own WTC, N-reg canc 28.04.00
VH-NOFGuyana 2000757-23A2000VH-rgd Nordstress 27.04.00, sGoodyear AZ fc no reg 29.04.00, frd Toronto-Luton 23.10.00, sHamilton Ont 20.05.01 str Guyana 2000 col, ret WTC 7.06.01
N566ANLessor757-23A(F)2001arr MHV 7.08.01, s2.10.01 white, frd Fargo ND-LTN 20-21.10.01 white, s hangared Monarch hangar 22.10.01, lse (to Monarch?) ntu, ret Fargo-MHV 26.11.01, own MSA I 30.05.03, frd-->Everett white-cs 08.11.03, s F-cvtd 24.07.05
TF-FIEIcelandair757-23A(F)2005c/o AWAS, fcs, sSEN Landair Cargo-tit and Swedish flag 24.06.06, arrGYR wfu 10.10.13
N720DBCargoJet Airways757-23A(F)2013own MSA I
C-FKAJCargoJet Airways757-23A(F)2014
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-FIE IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-FIE IcelandairEGLLgrahamepage
XA-RLM Air MadeiraEGCCAV8 Photos
5Y-BGI Kenya AirwaysEGGWScottyBoy76
5Y-BGI Kenya AirwaysEDDFWarthog1