Boeing 757 [24594 / 336]

Registration: TF-ISY
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: RR RB211-535E4B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N636AMAmerican Airlines757-223(WL)1991NCC 19.04.91, winglets 28.10.08, wfu&arrROW str 25.08.12, frd-->VCV 30.10.12, own BNYMT&lsd again 09.11.12, s07.05.13, own QAP-->WFBN 30.09.13, own Icelandair-->WFBN 25.11.14, frd-->CAN to be F-cvtd 14.02.15, WFBN to Airco Dhf 07.04.15, canc 08.04.15
TF-ISYIcelandair757-223(WL)2015not (yet) F-cvtd? frd Guanghzou--Kefl 11-12.06.15
TF-ISYLessor757-223(WL)2020Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee. Std MCI 28.10.2020. Canx from Icelandic register 01.2021. For part out and scrap
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ISY IcelandairEGLLEGLL Spotter
TF-ISY IcelandairEGKKGreggy
TF-ISY IcelandairEGKKJLRAviation
TF-ISY IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISY IcelandairOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N636AM American AirlinesKVCVFlyDroo
N636AM American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N636AM American AirlinesKDFWWarthog1